February and already the plane trees are turning, an ominous sign as I tootle through to the airport on the Enfield.
We've seen the back of the Sales and the back of frikking
Valentines Day so onwards and upwards..
At Cresta this last weekend I saw the first signs of the new season...Firstly, that chain I love to poke holes in ( but only 'cos they try and in trying make such glaring WTFs)..

And would you believe it, I like it. Not in yer face, but subtle, seasonal colours and textures, nicely (in my mind) transforming the window from a blank shoebox shape into something with corners and depth. A city scape feel with clever lighting tricks, I'll nip into Eastgate this week to check those windows out (bigger, more room to play.)
Also Truworth's LTD window thus:

What are those???
Lets take a closer look...

Omigod..alien pods!!

Sorry, I meant:

A quick glance at the window shows no sign of facehugger activity from the open pod, though the mannequin at the right looks a bit apprehensive...
No, yes, I realise they are flower pods and I think that they're actually quite good - I have an overactive imagination - and look at that lighting effect (sorry I likes a good lighting effect)..
Moving on... Foschinni's at Cresta

I like it, initially, but I wonder if it's somehow the finished thing I'm looking at. Further delving is required, there's almost too much prop.

Er, is that canvas supposed to be back to front? Can't help liking it though, it hints at things - like a work in progress -stay tuned...