Had to pop down to Cresta Centre yesterday - crikey, twice in a month, this is getting a bad habit, but 'onest guv' I needed a new 'puter screen and I thought, on the off chance, I might find a copy of the new Grinderman album (ha, ha, fat chance!).
So, out wi' the handy cell-camera for a few window piccies to maul on line.I'm using the cellie camera more and more, I get irate looks and was chased out of Eastgate a couple of weeks ago for daring to brandish my usual camera (though that might've been merely due to an overly authoritative security guard wanting to make a point).
I'm collaborating with a few other window-dressery types online to do a worst of best of thing, Ingrid Summers being one of the co-conspirators....
So without further ado, Here's Foschinni, well placed in the mall nice, neat, nothing overtly ooohhhmygawrsh, but typically (for Foschinni) well balanced/lit/etc etc. Put it in the 'good' catagory...

Now, this I call bad. Neatly dressed, well lit, prime bloody position in the mall, but come on?!?! Where's the effort, would a leeeetle propping go astray? It's obviously a matric dress window. No idea on mannequin placement in relation to mannequin or window frame... The cost of the garments alone tells me that couldn't a leeetle budget be found to get decent windows in?

Miladies at the mo' must be one of the most boring clothing chains around, apart from that other one ermmmm, dammit, the name slips my mind at present. Look at this...be still my heart.

These guys need their posteriors well kicked, very good position, within the 'entertainment' section at Cresta, across from a Barnyard venue and right next to a Spur. The stock available alone could create a window of awesomeness. Surfwear/t-shirts/skateboards. What do we get:

"In Your Wildest Jeans"?????? oh dear, Billabong, I think somewhere along the line there's been too much sun and toke too many.
Then I went blind... or perhaps the hangover was kicking in...I actually forget the name of the place, I was in shock, City Girl or City Nights or some such- big, neon, red.