I initially wanted to check out the Edgars revamp, very smart it is, typically 'Edgars' with a far more open feel than previous incarnations with a good line of sight to the far reaches of both floors with lots of name logos and graphics to pull you through. I still feel though, if you were blindfolded and led unknowingly to the middle of an Edgars store that you wouldn't really know where you were when the blindfold was removed.

My biggest surprise, however, was the Jet revamp.I was aware of a revamp at the Eastgate mall but had no idea what it entailed. If you thought that deconstructivism was past its sell by date no-one told Jet. Ceilings out, guts revealed and everything painted mat black, which complmented the merchandise very well. There was some ceiling detail picked out in an industrial yellow. One would think with all the black that the lighting levels would suffer, surprisingly not, the floorstock standing out very well with no pervasive sense of shadowy gloom often found with blacked out ceilings.

Another surprise - the've put back dedicated window space - with mannequins!
Its not that they're wonderful windows, I was just somewhat struck that after so many years of poster advetorials with some badly placed stock squeezed somewhere in there that Jet had forgotten visual merchandising completely.

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